School Improvement Plan
Goal 2: Whole Child, Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals
Focus Area: No Exclusionary Discipline
Spring 2022: 98% of Adelaide scholars have received no exclusionary discipline
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 99%
Focus Area: Regular Attendance
Spring 2022: 39% of Adelaide scholars attended school regularly.
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 90% in regular attendance.
Signature Strategies:
Ensure systems for social-emotional support (Culturally Responsive PBIS, Second Step, SEL integrated throughout, Character Strong, Zones of Regulation, Kelso Choices) are implemented school-wide; all staff and students are taught, provided with frequent feedback to implement with fidelity.
Implement structures (e.g. effective Success Criteria) in every classroom, to support consistent use of data by our student-scholars to assess their own learning, determine learning goals, and monitor progress over time.
Goal 4: Content-Area Competence, Mastery of All Subjects
Focus Area: ELA SBA
Spring 2022: 39%
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 59%
Focus Area: Math SBA
Spring 2022: 26%
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 53%
Signature Strategies:
Implement culturally responsive, universally designed, anti-racist teaching practices that engage students in content and integrate their experience and voice.
Implement co-teaching/inclusion models that provide full and meaningful access to high-quality, inclusive, and culturally responsive core instruction within the general education classroom including scholars with special needs, scholars learning English, and advanced learners. Establish systems, structures, and professional development to support co-teaching and inclusive models.